Alternative Book Cover
This image, "Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid." Illustration for Charles Kingsley's The Water Babies in charcoal, water, and oil, which I found through google (public domain), appeals to me as a potential cover for our book because technology, like Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid, is overwhelming and feeding our youngest generations. Since I haven't read beyong the introduction I don't know if what is being fed to us is beneficial or not, but the old addage, "Too much of anything..." would seem to apply. Notice that we can't see her eyes but may only see our own reflections in the glasses she wears. She appears benevolent and yet, she is overpowering in size and strange in appearance. These feelings are mine when I attempt my first wiki, blog, d2l class and I anticipate they will remain for the next 12 weeks or so while swimming through the waters of the web.
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